Deploying Spring apps to k8s cluster using Minikube
In this article we will learn how to run a Spring Boot application on a local Kubernetes cluster using Minikube and Kubectl.
Pre-requisite installations
- Docker
- Minikube
- Kubectl
Verify Minikube installation
Run the command
minikube version
on terminal to see the version and commit.
Start the minikube on docker
minikube start --driver=docker
Check the status of your instance by running
minikube status
Run the following command to see the url of your Kubernetes control plane and KubeDNS
kubectl cluster-info
Check node status
To see the status of the node in your cluster, run the command
kubectl get node
Lets create a String Boot App
- Go to
- Add the Spring Web dependency
- Generate the project
- Open the maven project in any IDE
Note : The artifact id used for this article is k8s-test
Add an endpoint
Add a controller class and add an endpoint to verify after deployment
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class K8sController
public String displayMessage()
return "If you are seeing this then your app is successfully deployed.";
Add a dockerfile
Create a dockerfile in the root directory of the project to generate the docker image
FROM openjdk:8
ADD target/k8s-test.jar k8s-test.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/k8s-test.jar"]
Allow Kubernetes to read your docker image
minikube docker-env
@FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('minikube -p minikube docker-env --shell cmd') DO @%i
Build the docker image for the Spring application
Go to the project directory and run the following command
docker build -t k8s-test:1.0
Verify if the image was successfully created by running
docker images
Create a deployment
Using the docker image we just created, we will create a deployment object using terminal.
kubectl create deployment k8s-spring-app --image=k8s-test:1.0 --port=8080
Verify your deployment by running
kubectl get deployment
Get the details of the deployment by running
kubectl describe deployment k8s-spring-app
Check the status of the pods by running
kubectl get pods
You can check the logs of your app by running
kubectl logs <pod-name>
Create a service object
We need to expose our deployment so that our app can be accessed from outside of the cluster
kubectl expose deployment k8s-spring-app --type=NodePort
Verify the status of your service by running
kubectl get service
Get the service/proxy URL
Our service will redirect our request from outside of the cluster to the respective pods. To get the service or proxy URL, run
minikube service k8s-spring-app --url
Now use this url and hit the endpoint
in browser or any API testing tool.
If you see the success message being returned by the API, then our Spring Boot application is successfully deployed.
Monitor in the minikube dashboard
You can monitor your cluster, deployment , service and pods in the minikube dashboard by running
minikube dashboard
Terminate the deployment, service and minikube instance.
Terminate service
kubectl delete service k8s-spring-app
Terminating deployment
kubectl delete deployment k8s-spring-app
Terminate minikube
minikube stop
I hope you found the article useful.
Lets connect :
Happy Coding :) .